Acquired by Trimble in 2019, Cityworks (technically Trimble Unity Maintain) is a massive product owned by an even more massive company. As the original Cityworks product continues to morph into the Trimble ecosystem, Novotx continues to deliver new ideas and consistent innovation to utilities and local governments.
Time for something
different and better
A unified platform with faster deployments, better maps, and unmatched flexibility for the ideal user experience.

Consistently delivering innovation for 20 years.
Owned by ourselves, never acquired, never taken outside money.
People using our tech daily, across the US and internationally.
Why choose Novotx over Cityworks?
Cityworks (Trimble Unity) is a huge platform that does a lot. With that, comes the complexities of getting someone to hear you.
Navigating tech support and getting someone to care about your good ideas in a global, publicly-traded company can be tricky.
When you call us for support you'll be talking with the same people who are already familiar with your system and your deployment, likely in the same time zone as you.
We're proud to be self-funded, built from the ground up, never acquired. With that comes the freedom to build what our customers want, not what our shareholders think the market wants.
Old houses can have good bones, but old software does not. Our smaller customer base and focused product portfolio lets us deliver fresh ideas quickly.
Our solutions
One unified platform with all components designed and built by the same team,
carefully crafted to work together for the best possible experience.

Elements XS
Asset Management
Elements XS is our flagship product and sits at the core of our tech stack. This unique asset management platform hits heavy, making asset and work management a breeze.

Connect + Elements XS
Citizen Requests
Our Connect application is a front-facing portal that provides out-of-the box solutions for citizens and other constituents to report incidents and interact with your business.

Connect + Elements XS
Permits & Online Applications
Connect can do much more than process citizen requests; this ultra-flexible platform can be custom-tailored to collect payments and process any type of inbound application.

Moving forward
New technology for a
positive change
For 20 years we've consistently delivered modern, inventive software to a space thirsty for innovation and polluted by outdated technology.
What our customers say
Unique solutions
Definitely not
business as usual
Delivering a breath of fresh air to utilities and local governments, all day every day

What makes us tick
Self-Funded, Always
100% owned by ourselves, self-funded
since the beginning.
We're living proof that innovation and customer success thrive when not motivated by someone else's money.
Less Talk, More Action
Unique software and a unique approach
to doing business.
Around here we do things differently,
staying true to our (admittedly unique) selves.
We put substance first, get rid of the fluff, and let our software speak for itself.
Culture Runs Deep
Pride in our software,
greater pride in our people.
The bright minds behind our software are driven by adventure, and passion for our customers' success runs deep in our DNA.