Even the bad guy
Gets to use good software

Show Me

Report violations

Citizens can login to your branded portal to submit concerns, nuisance calls, code violations, and other code-related items. 

Track follow-ups

Configure automated follow-up tasks and rules to ensure violations are resolved appropriately

Use your maps

See where violations are taking place and better understand trends using the direct integration to Esri's ArcGIS system.

Manage every code incident in a single, unified platform.

How we stack up

This is not a one-trick code enforcement app, it's an enterprise platform used across all departments - 

completely integrated with your GIS, asset management, citizen requests, permits, billing, and more.


One unified system


Separate code, incident reporting, and work management systems

Same application used by many departments for many purposes, consolidating technologies and reducing software sprawl

Single-use applications for limited users, contributing to software sprawl

Automatically processes records directly into the asset management, permitting, and request system

Sends basic emails upon form submittals, requiring duplicate efforts to process data

Direct, real-time integration with Esri's ArcGIS system

Limited GIS integrations

Unmatched flexibility throughout

Limited flexibility, due in part to integrating separate systems

See the Difference

Time for something different

Adding single-use application subscriptions that are limited to a small group of users is not helping anyone long-term.

Consolidate your tech stack with a modern enterprise solution. 

Features you'd expect

Unexpected innovation throughout

Branded online portal

Add your logo and custom branding to the online portal. Submit violations and incident reports online and perform field inspections onsite with your mobile device.

Fees & online payments

Manage fees and collect payments for unresolved or incorrectly resolved violations.

Inspections & follow-ups

Streamline the process of creating and scheduling field inspections and reviews with user-definable automations.

Reports & dashboards

Use the included designers to create new or modify pre-built reports in a snap. Leverage the seamless ArcGIS integration for map-based analytics.

Maps & GIS

See where violations are being reported and where follow-ups are required. Gain insight to enforcement trends with the direct integration to Esri's ArcGIS system.

Mobile friendly

Report incidents, complete inspections and perform follow-up tasks in the field using any mobile device.

Asset management

There's no need to integrate with an asset management system because it's delivered with Elements XS. Tracking inspections, costing details, and work performed against violations has never been more seamless.

Calendars & scheduling

Built-in calendars help balance the workload and optimize inspection scheduling.


Track specific inspection details, status, required follow up actions, and much more with highly-configurable inspection forms.

Create your ideal user experience

Easily tailor the interface with unlimited custom fields, forms, and automations


Create unlimited automations to tackle unique business processes like follow-up events, assigning and routing work, sending notifications, and much more.

Work faster with maps

Use the included ArcGIS integration to visualize enforcement data, optimize driving routes, relate data to assets, and streamline processes.

Keep everyone in the loop

Setup notifications for practically any scenario to ensure everyone stays updated.

Go unlimited

Create unlimited custom forms, record layouts, lists, fields, automations, and more. 

Tailor the interface

Easily configure menus, page layouts, lists, and much more to deliver the best possible user experience.

Go anywhere

Get work done anywhere on any device, with or without an internet connection.

Leverage your maps

See where violations are reported, statuses, active case files, and so much more.

Direct, real-time ArcGIS integration

Our live integration with Esri's ArcGIS system provides unmatched flexibility and offers the best possible user experience. Use your native Esri web maps, apps, and more directly in your public facing and internal code enforcement systems.

Share your maps

Violation and follow-up task data is available in real-time within Esri's ArcGIS system.  Use your GIS to share maps with relevant public information to improve transparency and increase customer service.

You don't make the rules

You just enforce them, using great software to make it easier.

Let's Go